Invitation to the Moonshot Movement
Get your Moonshot Magic Playbook at the link below. It is my gift to you!
Perhaps you suffer from the epidemic in our dominant culture of distraction and busyness. You are addicted to things that rob your soul of the beauty of the present moment. You avoid the direct experience of the moment by chronic “doing” vs “being.” And you rise, like a mighty wave, with other like-minded peeps. You are poised to transform. You recognize what you’ve been doing isn’t getting you where you want to be. You are empowered to change in here to ignite out there.
Let’s start with the end in mind. We are in the midst of a cultural revolution. My purpose-driven passion as a social pioneer is the Moonshot Movement, in order to transform the world, one relationship at a time. Let’s embrace the mind-blowing capacity of love to heal heart dis-ease and end addiction, as we contemplate a new reality. We declare something extraordinary, take committed action and we surrender to a higher grace, as we find ease and enjoyment in the process of transformation.
Perhaps you are now willing to trust yourself to no longer abandon yourself. You are willing to own your super-sensitivity as a superpower. Assertive strength coupled with calm abiding makes for a potent divine feminine and sacred masculine. The world needs this energetic exchange. Join me and declare your Moonshot, that something extraordinary that wouldn’t otherwise happen. And let the Magic unfold. I’m launching a new playbook and yearlong coaching program (Moonshot Magic Mastermind) based on this.
Moonshot: commitment to something extraordinary; declaring what, by when.
Magic: surrender to something greater than yourself; inviting ease, flow and grace.
Moonshot Magic is for you if:
1. You’re no longer willing to numb out. Period. You want to be awake. You have that desire and you are now, at this moment, ready to wake-up and basically get over yourself.
2. You’re willing to abandon the “us and them” mentality. You operate from a higher consciousness and, as a social pioneer, you desire even higher levels of awareness.
3. You’ve had episodes of rage or have carried internalized shame of being a person of privilege. You are now willing to drop the stones of resentment from your heart. You see anger as a teacher and are ready to listen and step into your power. You won’t give up and you won’t back down. You truly understand that hate begets hate.
4. You’ve severed contact with your inner guidance system, felt blamed and shamed, and then criticized others and compromised your morals. You are primed for realignment with your inner guides.
5. You’re willing to be right-sized while simultaneously blowing the lid off mediocrity. Full stop.
6. You’re willing to own your super-sensitive superpowers. You feel things deeply in your bones and your intuition responds fully to life. You are ready to hone this as a strength versus your Achilles’ heel.
7. You’re willing to see there’s nothing to fix out there. There is no out there, out there. Change in here to ignite out there.
8. You recognize that we are in the midst of a cultural revolution and the power of the human heart can guide us. You love nature and recognize relational health is the way to heal the planet.
9. You suffer from the epidemic in our dominant culture of addiction to distraction and busyness. “Exhausted” and “overwhelmed” are frequent complaints, up until now.
10. You avoid direct experience of the moment by chronic “doing” versus “being.” You crave having more time in your life for what matters most and you are ready to see that time is the great equalizer, we all have the same amount of it in any given day.
If you’re still reading this, you are ready to quit manufacturing your own suffering. Stop terrorizing yourself and start tenderizing your heart.
You are now willing and ready to trust yourself to no longer abandon yourself. Join the Moonshot Movement and declare your Moonshot, that something extraordinary that wouldn’t otherwise happen. And become fully empowered on this journey. Be. Do. Have.
Be empowered and prepared for miracles. Do the next right thing. Have the courage to surrender to success. The magic is around us to support us as we declare our Moonshot. That something extraordinary that wouldn’t otherwise happen.