PIP Clips: Quick Tips to Enhance Your Relationships

Power In Partnership (PIP) is my initiative based on my belief that collaboration is a powerful tool for moving the needle of personal growth and social change. I’ve created these PIP clips to be easy-to-grasp micro-lessons to inspire you to inquire within.

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PIP Clips: Tips to Enhance Your Relationships

Power in Partnership (PIP) Clips are short (3-7 minute) videos designed to give you resources to make change now. They provide inspiration and motivation to tend to one small thing today to improve the quality of your relational life.

After all, it is the little things that matter. Termites can erode a foundation.  Weeds can take over a garden.

Noxious means to eliminate what we don’t want typically breed more problems. Weed killers cast over the garden kill all living beneficial organisms. Hand pulling weeds, with loving attention, works. It takes time, but the investment is fruitful.

Therefore, when we address the little things, we strengthen the relationship. In conclusion, you get rid of the weeds, and then plant the seeds of what you want in that loving space between. Fertilize.

To fully enjoy healthy relationships, we must know ourselves well. Power in Partnership is the energetic exchange of being able to thrive in your personal life and enjoy right relationships with others. We must know how to self-soothe and calm ourselves down in stressful situations; this is not someone else’s job.

Then we feel resourced enough to tend to our relationships, “the space between,” with loving and caring gestures, lowering or even eliminating negative reactivity, and advocating for our partner’s wellbeing.