If you are longing to recharge, to commit to the journey toward wholeness, and write a new ending to this chapter of your life, join the Moonshot Magic Movement.
Here you will find opportunity: attitude adjustment, tender-hearted and powerful mindset, accountability, and endless inspiration.
It takes declaring something extraordinary, a Moonshot, and allowing a wee bit of Magic. This is why we’ve created this new Movement called
Moonshot Magic Movement
This is a vision of a regenerative society of healthy, interdependent relationships, radical self-care, enlightened self-interest and sourcing a powerful point of presence and light in this Great Awakening.
Join this energetic exchange of excellence and everyday enlightenment.
Here’s some helpful definitions to keep in mind:
- Moonshot: We put our thinking minds to work and create the life we desire. We can commitment to something extraordinary by declaring what we will do and when we will do. Think effort.
- Magic: When we are constantly striving, we create a life of strife. We must surrender to win and invite magic. Ask for support from something greater than yourself; inviting ease, flow and grace. Feel ease.
- Movement: When we want change, it is important to connect with others on a similar path of transformation. Enjoy the benefits of an alchemical mix and energetic exchange of excellence. Know belonging.
Contact me with curiosities and questions about relational health coaching: [email protected]

Consider these states of heart and ways of being:
- tender vs. tight
- juicy vs. dry
- pliable vs. stuck
- flexible vs. stubborn
- coherent vs. swinging extremes
- loving vs. fearing
- accepting vs. judging
- trusting vs. doubting
- open vs. closed
- joyful vs. fretful
- humming vs. hurting
- attuned vs. disconnected
- vibrant vs. dull
- alive vs. dead
- engaged vs. dis-engaged
- energized vs. lethargic
- generous vs. stingy
- interconnected vs. isolated
- being vs. striving
- knowing vs. numbing
- grateful vs. ungrateful
- receptive vs. closed
Which do you prefer? Ready to go all in for juicy, joyful, energized relationships that are real, raw and vulnerable? Willing to dig into the depths and rise about the drama. Together we rise in cultivating a grateful heart, dropping the stones of resentment, and living an extraordinary life of heart wisdom and regenerative societies.
We will explore the relevancy of each of the 12 distinctions of an extraordinary life from Moonshot:
- trust
- focus
- repair
- faith
- clarity
- openness
- reactivation
- energy
- interdependence
- responsibility
- generosity
- consciousness
ready to unfurl

Make the leap and wake up
Beyond living and dreaming there is something more important: waking up. –Antonio Machado
Still wondering if this relational health coaching is for you?
Top Ten list of reasons why you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
- You want to be awake. You have that desire and you are now, at this moment, ready to wake-up and basically get over yourself.
- You operate from a higher consciousness and, as a social pioneer, you desire even higher levels of awareness, and willingness to abandon the “us and them” mentality.
- You’re now willing to drop the stones of resentment (hate & hurt) from your heart. You truly understand that hate begets hate and hurt people hurt people.
- You are primed for realignment with your intuition and re-connect with your inner guidance system.
- You’re willing to be right-sized while simultaneously blowing the lid off mediocrity.
- You’re willing to own and hone your super-sensitive superpowers.
- You’re willing to see there’s no point trying to change others; there’s nothing to fix out there. (On a really deep level, you can imagine the possibility that There is no out there, out there.) Rather, we focus on change in here to ignite out there.
- You recognize that we are in the midst of a cultural revolution and the power of the human heart can guide us. You love nature and recognize relational health is the way to heal the planet.
- You suffered from the epidemic in our dominant culture of addiction to distraction and busyness. “Exhausted” and “overwhelmed” were pretty frequent complaints, up until now.
- You crave having more time in your life for what matters most and you are ready to see that time is the great equalizer, we all have the same amount of it in any given day.
If you’re still reading this, you are ready to quit manufacturing your own suffering. Stop terrorizing yourself and start tenderizing your heart.
Please contact me for more info: [email protected]
There has never been a more important time to declare your Moonshot and surrender to Magic. You matter. Your relationships matter. Let’s connect in a deep dive to aim high and align with what matters most.
Please feel free to contact me to set up a consult to see if it’s a good fit. https://calendly.com/amyelizabethgordon/laser-love-coaching-call
You Matter. Your Relationships Matter.
Caveat: relational health coaching is not a substitute for mental health therapy. I do not diagnosis, prescribe, or bill insurance. If you are having trouble with basic survival, this is not for you. Seek other resources and contact me if you don’t know how to do this and I will get you resourced. This is high-touch coaching and self-actualizing work for people who have basic needs met, safety intact, and desire to thrive, not merely survive.