Amy as wedding officiant & relationship doula
Aloha Amy,
It’s the morning of our one-year wedding anniversary and we’re celebrating this milestone in one of our favorite places, relaxing in the misty hapu’u forests of Volcano. We’re reflecting on the many blessings that made last year’s ceremony special for us, and high among them was our great fortune to be in your care officiating the transition.
More than the beautiful way you conducted the ceremony itself, your thoughtful counseling sessions held in the weeks leading to the wedding were a wonderful way to help us prepare for the occasion. Conversations about intentions, needs, and meditations about nurturing a fulfilling life together were each special experiences that went far above and beyond any expectations we set out with.
From assisting us with writing vows, to incorporating personalized aesthetic and ritual elements into the ceremony, we felt cared for and in the hands of a kind professional who was attentive to our needs and preferences throughout the process. You took the stress and ambiguity out of something unknown to us and worked behind the scenes to gently bring the day together in a way that respected the busy work schedules and obligations that can fill everyday life.
As we think ahead to future anniversaries filled with love and warm reflections on the beautiful day you helped to create, we’ll remember your work with gratitude and reverence for the intention and spirit you poured into honoring our relationship. Cheers to a blessed journey as a relationship doula and the many lives we know you’ll positively touch with your work.
Deepest thanks and lots of love from us both.
Chris and Amelia Sandy

Amy as published author of Moonshot and group facilitator
Moonshot & Amy: A Must Have for All.
“Amy is every one of us. She has given into the vulnerability to share with us that we are not alone, that we all face struggles and – even extreme trauma – and yet, can pick ourselves back up and move forward with class, dignity, integrity, and a beautiful, happy life. Even when it seems (to us, at present), the possibility of such is quite low. Amy is one of the most beautiful, inspirational women I have ever had the honour of not only encountering, but working with, and she has brought so much into my life that I now feel a sense of community and love that I have truly never felt before, even as a 35yo woman with a lot of potential and notches on the post (professionalism, integrity, determination, resilience, etc.).
If you are looking to change your life for the better, in one of the most gifted, loving, and accountable ways one could provide, Amy is Your Source. It would be a shame for anyone seeking self-improvement, insight, resilience training, self-love training, or even simply a boost in their daily routine, to not take Amy’s work and dedicated love to heart.
This book is a must read, for anyone in the world. She has an incredible ability to bring us all together, and that is not easy, nor is it common. She is of a rare breed, and we need more Amy’s in the world. You will not be disappointed, no matter where you are in your life. Amy is my Moonshot, my Shining Star, and everyday I thank her for all she has done for me and so many others in the world. The connection is real, genuine, strong, compassionate, REAL, and individually in tune each and every time. This woman CARES. We don’t see enough of that these days, but Amy shows us all that we need in only a matter of minutes. Reach out to her. I know you will see and feel what I do. Amy is MOONSHOT.”
Mahalo nui loa,
Amy as community leader & participant in Hawaii lifeways training
“Moonshot is an elegant and visceral memoir that dares one to question one’s own resilience and courage. Indeed, Amy Elizabeth is as transparent as she appears in these pages. Love the interactive curriculum & its usefulness. While Liz (her name of endearment) has had to turn her focus to her profession and her particular contribution to the community, we miss her authenticity and presence in Hālau ‘Ōhi’a.” (Kekuhi Keali’ikanaka’oleohaililani, Trainer Hālau ‘Ōhi’a)
Amy as Certified Imago Relationship Therapist & Colleague
“Amy helped my partner and I achieve a better understanding of each other and provided tools that we can use on a daily basis for the rest of our lives to maintain our loving ways and positive outlook through tough moments. Amy is a true delight to work with, bringing a plethora of relevant resources, a structured process and a mindful, empathetic and flexible approach that made us feel valued and seen at all times. The energy and commitment she brought to our time together was immense. I would highly recommend Amy to any couple seeking to grow their relationship.” -anonymous
“Equal parts lyrical, confessional, & practical, Amy Elizabeth vulnerably uses her own journey through addiction and trauma to inspire readers to move beyond limiting beliefs and heal from the past. She offers creative and accessible tools to help cultivate forgiveness, release blame, and connect with something beyond the default us/them binary perspective so often stoked in our polarizing North American culture. If there are aspects of your own past you’ve felt ashamed of or tried to bury and are looking for a book that’s raw enough and real enough to help you integrate more of who you are, explore ‘Moonshot.’ It’s full of unexpected gems.” (Alicia Muñoz, Author of No More Fighting: 20 Minutes a Week to a Stronger Relationship)
“Nature did not design us to be alone. Evidence shows that people who enjoy close, fulfilling relationships with others are happier, healthier, and more creative. Moreover, they live longer on average and have a lower incidence of major illnesses such as heart disease and cancer. If this does not prompt you to read Amy Elizabeth Gordon’s wonderful Moonshot: An Invitation to an Extraordinary Life, please reconsider. Highly recommended!” (Larry Dossey, MD Author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters and Executive Editor of Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing)
“What an enchanting, captivating, beautiful, practical (I’m running out of adjectives) book! Based in personal experience and penetrating prose, Moonshot: An Invitation to an Extraordinary Life lays out a magnificent program for closer, more nourishing relationships. This book is meant for anyone who needs more love, empathy, and compassion in their life — and who doesn’t? Let Amy Elizabeth Gordon be your guide to a richer, deeper commitment — not just to others, but to the world.” (Barbara Montgomery Dossey, RN, PhD, FAAN, Author of Florence Nightingale: Mystic, Visionary, Healer; Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice; Nurse Coaching, Integrative Approaches for Health and Wellbeing)
“Moonshot is music to my ‘Best Self’ accountability ears. It is a call to action: To stop blaming others, ourselves, life circumstances and to show up better in the world. This is not a fluffy, self-help book filled with rainbows and unicorns — but rather, a transformative heart-opening, teaching memoir wrapped in sage wisdom and a bow of gorgeous prose. Amy Elizabeth Gordon invites us to bear witness to the depths and darkness of her own life journey through addiction and trauma to stand in what’s possible — fierce tenderness. Her work is the bridge between despair and repair. It is an invitation for women to ‘tenderize’ our own hearts and to craft a new heart-centric story, the true story of who we are at our core. It is one you will want to R.S.V.P.” (Kristen Noel, Editor-in-Chief, Best Self Magazine)
“Wow, what a read! I can only imagine the emotional energy it took to write the book because as a reader, it felt BIG, and that’s not a bad thing! It’s a book with many layers that people will want to go slow with to take everything in, sit with the information, and do the exercises. Your writing is beautiful. I could visualize everything, and that is major! Your writer’s voice is loud and clear. I was able to get a firm idea of who you are, what your desires and values are, and where you came from. Your words ARE lyrical. This work is not your typical memoir.” (Sage, Writing Coach)
“This book is a psychological ‘rags to riches’ story. Amy Elizabeth Gordon’s memoir traces her heroic journey from adolescence and young adulthood, where she struggles in dark shadow realms, and then hits bottom. She discovers those modalities that bring her to the light, where she ultimately becomes a gifted wounded healer.” (Linda Bloom, Breakthroughs for Couples

Amy as published author of transformational memoir, Moonshot
“First, I must confess that I was involved in the preparation of this book. Since that’s what I do, I get to read a lot of books by a lot of people, so I have a lot of them to compare. This book might be a bit difficult to categorize. It’s not really a memoir in the usual ‘and then I did this and isn’t it great’ sense. This is the amazing story, sort-of, of Amy’s journey to discovery and recovery. It’s dark and twisted in places, because that’s what it WAS like. Light and spiritual in others, because that’s what it IS like. It’s not a chronology of events; it’s more. She shares her experiences and the tools she used, and uses, to recover and be the incredible person she is. It will hold your attention, I promise. Read it. It’s great.” (Kamuela)
“This book is amazing, raw, open hearted and real! I felt her pain and tenderness. Mostly I experienced her forgiveness. The book is based on these 12 distinctions of extraordinary living: trust, focus, repair, faith, clarity, openness, reactivation, energy, interdependence, responsibility, generosity, and consciousness. Unless you have lived a life of totally purity, this book will resonate in countless ways with almost anyone on many levels. Give it a try. I grew from it and am happy that I gave it a shot …” (Aloha from Hawaii)

“If only I had known…What I do know now is that Amy is a great writer. Her book is so honestly truthful and hurtful at times but it is told how her life was and is. I am so proud of Amy and Marc and of the family she and her husband have created. Creating a life of love and service to the universe. While reading Moonshot, you’ll cry, you’ll laugh. Most of all you’ll learn how you can have the relationships you long for and how you can create the extraordinary life you deserve.” (Elizabeth Williams, “The Mom”)
“In this book Amy powerfully shares her story of resilience and transformation, while also guiding the reader through tangible steps to cultivate self-love, healing, forgiveness, and thriving relationships.
This book will resonate with anyone who has had to overcome darkness and despair (and who hasn’t?!) and will leave you feeling empowered with the tools and inspiration to live a truly extraordinary life.” Justine (Moore) Sloan
“This book has turned into a manual for me, a how-to book that helps me change my frame of thinking when I am seeking clarity in order to find myself again. Today, I was riddled with consuming grief and fear. I couldn’t shake it. The tools in my tool kit weren’t helping me and I started to get scared. I remembered my Amy Elizabeth “tune-up” manual! My manual reminded me to change my environment (I went outside), find love (A to Z gratitude list), and summoned my savior (me!).
I recommend this book for anyone who occasionally loses track of the plot and needs gentle but assertive reminders that everything we need, we already have in our hearts. I also recommend this book for depression and anxiety sufferers. AE’s words soothe worries, fears, and grief with added insights from self-learning while tapping into the ultimate you.” Hadley Nye

“I can’t put Moonshot down. It combines two things I love story telling and lessons for the soul. I can relate so much to Amy’s story of rebirth and reclamation. The lessons she explicitly teaches gleaned from her life experiences are ones I can apply to my own with an embodied understanding accessible through her raw illumination of treasures mined when we embrace our imperfections with love.” (Amazon Customer)
“I loved Moonshot! It is an inspiring call to action to something magnificent and sustainable! Amy’s story, poetically shares her journey through her life and the tools she used to get to her moon. Real. Honest. Raw. Highly recommended read!” (Jen Tews)
“I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The author, Amy Elizabeth, is raw and honest and her story is remarkable. I learned a lot about myself in the process of reading it. And the book is full of helpful tools to live your best life. And inspires me to live mine.” (Mary Wuest)
“Moonshot is a beautifully told journey from an incredibly sensitive and honest woman. She shares her wisdom in an easy to digest and heart-felt style that is accessible and practical while at the same time poetic and authentic. Her heart shines through on every page!” (Maya Bewig)
“I highly recommend Moonshot for your personal journey enhancement. This is a book you can read several times and gain new insights each time. Amy shares in a raw, authentic way her truths and experience. She shares her story but also the way to release, repair and to live with resilience and courage . Gives concrete suggestions of how to live your extraordinary life. She has a unique and interesting blending of the present with the past,. She is poetic in her depth descriptions and is an engaging story teller. There are many memorable sayings, one like on page 211 is ‘How to manifest it, the Power, in your life is straightforward and simple. Move. Sleep. Detox your mind regularly. Hydrate wildly. Hum with abandon. Love fiercely. Advocate of your partner’s wellbeing.’” (Diana J. Bonnici)