3 minutes of calm

Aloha Dear One,  

3 minutes of calm  

Take a seat. 

Feel gravity supporting you. Feeling yourself present in the moment with everything that’s going on swirling around you.

Take a moment to lower your gaze or close your eyes and just breathe in deeply, sweetly, allowing the belly to expand on the inhale. 

Pausing… thinking of all that has already transpired today, just let it settle. On the exhale releasing what’s no longer needed.

Take a deep sweet inhale in through the nose, resetting the nervous system pausing, thinking about all that remains in the day and settling, releasing, exhaling completely. And finally, breathing in sweetly, this moment right here right now.

Pausing, being here, noticing your noticing and releasing as you take this moment to pause, to breathe, and to reset. 

You are doing your future self a favor. You are doing everyone around you a favor. You are reconnecting to that place of stillness in the space between the thoughts. The gap between the actions and that moment of infinite possibility. This is the calm in the eye of the storm. The sweet spot in the middle of yesterday and tomorrow. That brings you into the eternal Now. Today, right here right now.

You sitting here, head over heart over hara: open-minded, open-hearted and willing to reset your own nervous system to pivot back toward calm and to shift the drift of all that swirling around. Even for a moment, even for a moment.

Right here. Right now.

Take a deep breath in
And a deep breath out.
Releasing the pinch within;
Releasing the grip. 

Finding the tender open heart  

Sending big Aloha, 


Relational health coaching guides you to access your tender heart.
Together, we regenerate landscapes, both internally and externally. 
You matter. Your relationships matter. 
schedule a session here https://calendly.com/amyelizabethgordon

massage your vagus nerve

Aloha Dear One, 

Most of this past weekend was good. I forgot about the pandemic for at least 3 hours solid. I gardened for a half-day. I enjoyed rainbows and butterflies. And then I hit my edge, hit my window of tolerance and got a wee bit pissy that my husband made fun of me. I took it personally. Ouch.

But the good news is that my nervous system stayed calm and I didn’t flood like I have in the past. I didn’t want to vaporize him as a defensive reaction. Thankfully, I continue to work a daily program of breath-work, yoga and creativity. I contemplate my place on this planet and in this relationship with a loving, tender presence. And I want to offer a few things to help you gain this resilience and build your toolkit of repair. 

My favorite way to calm myself down and step into command central of my nervous system is to massage my vagus nerve with conscious breath-work. I’m eager to offer more about this vital tonic for well-being as we all could use a little extra tender, loving care.

If you wish to learn more, I encourage you to sign up for (another) free series below. Learn to ACTIVATE the vagus nerve to REBALANCE your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health! 

Many people in this modern world suffer from overstimulated nervous systems and become desensitized to chronic stress.

Over time, this can lead to low vagal tone, which has been linked to a variety of mental and physical health issues, including chronic inflammation, neuro-degeneration, poor gut function, autoimmunity and cancer.

1. sign up free here, take what you can use, leave the rest


2. My favorite quote from last week. From Trudy Goodman:

3. My favorite Relationships boost yoga with Adriene 

On Sunday, My beloved and I did this lovely yoga practice.


4. My offering today, 5/4/20:

Power by Amy Elizabeth

May the power be with you

(for force is over-rated).

May the power of peace that passes all understanding

tenderize your heart on a daily basis.

May your love may shine forth today

as you rededicate yourself 

to your own greater well-being.

May you radiate the compassion for yourself 

while enjoying skillful means with others.

It’s really the big both/and.

May your sense of knowing grow.

For when you release the grip

you receive the gift of tenderness;

when you release the pinch

you feel the flow of love,

when you release the negative self-talk

you love the company you keep with yourself.

Enlightened self-interest results in a (w)holy authentic you.

Solitude becomes a rich replenishment. 

Energetic exchange becomes a soothing ebb and flow.

May it be so.