Guilt as a Guide


Aloha Dear One, 

As humans, we mess up, just look around. There’s a lot to feel guilty for. The tendency I grew up with was to feel guilty and then blame myself for whatever mess met me at the front door of my heart.

Intensity of Life

Basically I carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I tried to soothe myself by getting chip-faced with a pint of Ben -n- Jerry’s ice cream. None of this got me where I wanted to me: a positive point of power and light on this planet. 

Listen to the difference: 

If you’re anything like me, you let that blame, stemming from the guilt of doing something wrong, fester into toxic shame. Then comes the shameful story of being something wrong.

  • doing something wrong/bad (that’s guilt)
  • being something wrong/bad (that’s shame)

Guilt is a Guide

Guilt is a guide when I pause to honor the wisdom within the warm wash of ick. It is vital information that I’m obviously not on the right path. I get to pivot and recalibrate.

Pause. Breathe. Reset. 

I pause, breathe, reset. I ask myself these self-inquiry questions, with compassionate curiosity:

  • Reality check: What really happened here?
  • What have I done wrong?
  • Could I do something differently?
  • What needs my attention?
  • Can I repair here?

The next time your feel that warm wash of guilt, I invite you to Pause. Breathe. Reset. Contemplate the questions. 

Let me know how this lands for you.

Big love & tenderness,


Amy Elizabeth Gordon, MA|Relationship Doula

My favorite quote lately:

 “Combatting hatred” is combatting a symptom.

~Charles Eisenstein 

p.s. Mark your calendar for Friday, August 20th at noon Pacific time for the Masterclass on ENERGY, with my special guest, Kekuhi.