Are you a magician of 2020?

I remember twenty years ago, sitting on the floor of a community center, heart-storming and dreaming of the positive future, of 2000 and the broader dream of 2020. 

It was exhilarating to imagine all the possibilities. 

Opening new vistas, igniting conscious action, expanding the limits…together exchanging our energies in community

The only thing missing at that time was how to hold each other tenderly and fiercely accountable. And this, Dear Reader, is vital to making dreams come true…to launching truly attainable Moonshots. 

We can all dream big. We can all declare something extraordinary that wouldn’t otherwise happen. The real question is how to bring it to fruition; everybody needs a buddy. 

Feeling that exhilaration again as I look at the year ahead.

I’m inviting you, Dear Reader, to the new community of Moonshot Magic coming together soon. Stay tuned for details…

In the meantime, I’m giving you some inspiration.

Below you will see some of the influencers I’m letting in this week and what I’m feeding my mind.

  • Mindset Magician: Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo
  • Inspiring Leader: Dare to Lead, Brene Brown 
  • Spiritual Being: Living Beautifully, Pema Chodron 
  • Abundance Angel: The Wealthy Spirit, Chellie Campbell 
  • Creative Muse: How the Light Gets In, Pat Schneider 
  • Integrated Self: Moonshot: aim high, dive deep, live an extraordinary life, Amy Elizabeth Gordon

I am a mindset magician, inspiring leader, spiritual being, abundance angel, creative muse, and integrated self. So are you. Thank you for allowing me to influence your mindset toward greater relational health.

Have a magical weekend.


~ Amy Elizabeth

p.s. 2020 is coming. I’m clearly seeing an extraordinary year on the horizon.

Aren’t you?

If not, let’s talk.

You matter. Your relationships matter.

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