Moonshot Monday: get grounded in grief and gratitude
Here’s the big Moonshot declaration for this week: You can stop manufacturing your own misery. Period.
The Magic is that we can counter the overwhelm of life by allowing space for grace to enter our hearts and time to unwind our minds. No matter what. We can get grounded in our grief and gratitude.

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My words are more of a poetic list today. Feel my heart. Take what you can use. Leave the rest. Share with others.
Finding ground in grief and gratitude:
feel the higher power
of gravity.
allow space for grace
to enter your heart.
take time to unwind
and calm your mind.
allow yourself to simply be.
you are enough.
find power in partnership
together we heal
we tend to the space between
together, we metabolize the unprocessed grief
we clear the fear
we feel it to heal it.
May it be so
You matter. Your relationships matter.
Comment below and let me know what unprocessed grief you are facing today? the loss of your pet? the dissolution of a relationship? the loss of your eyesight? the loss of your playful, youthful spirit? Name it to reclaim it and metabolize the hurt, let go of the loss and hold on to the gratitude.