Aloha Friday: Kapu Aloha

When I reflect on those who inspire us to bring our Best Self forth to any situation and make any experience benefit from our presence, a flurry of people come to mind. 

My kumu, my Hawaiʻi life ways teacher, Kekuhi, is one such person in my life. She’s a transformational leader in bringing awareness to Kapu Aloha, the sacredness of compassion.

Kapu Aloha is an invitation to bring our best self forth in every moment, in each interaction and to cultivate genuine responsibility for our presence on this planet and in all our relations.

Presently, on Hawaiʻi Island, protecting Maunakea from further desecration. We connect to the land, the ancestors, to each other and to ourselves in the spirit of Kapu Aloha. Hawaiʻi lifeways is flourishing and growing. It is an honor to be here now. 

If you are interested in learning more about this movement:  Check out these links


Instagram Puʻuhuluhulu

We are standing together, peacefully, for what matters most.  And we rise, like a mighty wave.

My kumu endorsed my book with this: 

Moonshot is an elegant and visceral memoir that dares one to question one’s own resilience and courage.  Indeed, Amy Elizabeth is as transparent as she appears in these pages.  Love the interactive curriculum & it’s usefulness.  While Liz (her name of endearment) has had to turn her focus to her profession and her particular contribution to the community, we miss her authenticity and presence in Hālau ‘Ōhi’a.

Kekuhi Keali’ikanaka’oleohaililani, Trainer

Hālau ‘Ōhi’a

Why I wrote my memoir: Moonshot

I wrote Moonshot: aim high, dive deep, live an extraordinary life, as an invitation to approaching the present moment with greater awareness, allowing a moment of acceptance, and then acting accordingly. All of this stems from a place of tender, powerful generosity rooted in resilience.

This transformational memoir is for you if you have severed contact with your inner guidance system, felt blamed and shamed, and then criticized others and compromised your morals.

Perhaps you suffer, as I once did, from the epidemic in our dominant culture of distraction and busyness. You’re addicted to things that rob your soul of the beauty of the present moment. You avoid the direct experience of the moment by chronic “doing” versus “being.” 

Are you ready to stand for what matters most in your life? Join me in the coming weeks as we declare our own Moonshots for 2020.

Moonshot: that something extraordinary that wouldn’t otherwise happen.

Why we get to declare our Moonshot is because, without it, we have no real aim, no real goal, no real desire worth working toward. 

Aim high, dive deep and live an extraordinary life. 

Then release the grip, surrender the striving, and allow the Moonshot Magic to unfold. There is magic in recognizing you are an energetic being having a human experience and the spiritual support is surrounding you in powerfully positive ways. 

Moonshot: commitment to something extraordinary; declaring what, by when. 

Magic: surrender to something greater than yourself; inviting ease, flow, and grace. 

You don’t have to do this gig called life alone. Join a movement that matters. Moonshot Magic is the launch of such an invitation. Stay tuned for more details about a year-long coaching Mastermind to give you the inspiration and accountability required to live an extraordinary life.  

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