Compassion for self, skillful means with others

On Monday I wrote about the importance of resilience and relating to the challenges of life with tenderness vs. toughness. Today I’d like to dive a little deeper into how you do this. You can actually keep it quite simple.

  1. When you wake up, smile upon awakening, before feet hit the floor.
  2. Make the bed, closing that chapter of your day.
  3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. 

Tender connections start with compassion for yourself.

Compassion for self, skillful means with others.

What is compassion? com·pas·sion /kəmˈpaSHən/  

  • Compassion ordinary definition: sympathetic pity or concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others 
  • Compassion extraordinary definition: connecting with the tender heart of sadness buried in the layers of life 

Dwell in the Realm of C.O.R.E. Compassion. 

Set your intentions to:

  • clear your mind
  • open your heart  
  • rekindle your spirit  
  • energize your life 

With much Aloha,

Amy Elizabeth Gordon MA 

Relational Health Coach & Compassion Activist  

p.s. Hereʻs a panel interview I had (Dec. 2019) with 3 powerful beings to discuss compassion. Joining energy from California, Hawaii, and Vienna, we declare our Moonshots and invite some Magic. The message holds relevancy today in pandemic times. 

This is the SOS  of our times. Tune in now. 

We do the deep dive into the Realm of Compassion. Explore the concepts of Clarity, Openness, Reactivation, Energy with these powerfully kind souls. 45 minutes of thoughtful consideration to your media diet, we discuss the collective unconscious, and the necessity for compassion of Self, Other, Society.

Please take good care. you matter, your relationships matter.  

And let me know what support looks like. 

3 steps to relational health

Do you know that the story I tell myself about my life carries just as much weight as the vision I have for my life?

Life can feel heavy and burdensome, almost smothering, or supportive and steady like gravity. 

I can choose the later, I choose aloha (love & compassion) over pilikia (trouble of any kind). 

Today I align my story and my vision. And I regularly take the steps of commitment, compassion, and communication to optimize wellness in all my relationships.

No more woe is me, though there are still hard times. 

No more I can’t do it, though at times I feel alone (and I can’t do this gig called life alone). 

No more blaming or shaming others, cause when i do it, it doesn’t get me where I want to be. 

This is incredibly liberating and terrifying all at the same time! Given the hard times I’ve been through (and as Brené Brown says, we all come from hard times) I could spin a story of woe or tale of empowerment.

In case you hadn’t noticed yet, I choose Empowerment. Transparency. Authenticity.

Breaking free from negativity has been (and continues to be) the transformational journey of a lifetime. For example…

Addictive behaviors robbed my soul of the beauty of the present moment, I’m now nearly 25 years sober, knowing my recovery is a gift. 

My husband was married to another woman (GASP, I know!) when we first met in graduate school 22 years ago. We’re now nearly 17 years happily married, knowing we have transformed many challenges into opportunities for deep connection.  

In the past, I was a crazy, anxious, uptight woman, suffering a nervous breakdown in my early 20s. Now nearly 30 years as a practicing meditator, yogini, and lover of earth, I know that tenderness, power, and generosity are the fruits of my labor. 

My point in sharing all of this with you is to connect the dots. 

Me to you. My past to my present. Ordinary to extraordinary.

That’s what’s possible with relationship coaching:

Moving from ordinary to extraordinary. From negativity to connection. 

Extraordinary relationships require commitment, compassion, & communication and my coaching program explores these 3 steps to extraordinary living. 

Good news, I’m prepared to bring decades of experience to guide you on this journey and to offer aloha, accountability, and inspiration. See details below.

Jump in to surrender to the success of the moment, gain inspiration, learn skills to communicate more clearly and cultivate a compassionate heart. 

P.S. It really is true that relationships matter most. Think about it. Nothing really works in your life if your relationship has a negative charge. Take a stand for what matters most today.   

With warm Aloha ~ Amy 

You Matter. Your Relationships Matter. 

Introducing: Core Connections Coaching Program

Extraordinary relationships require these 3 steps: commitment, compassion & communication:

For 9 months, we dive deep into the realms of commitment, compassion, and communication as you birth your Tender-Hearted Self, enjoy greater connection, and live an extraordinary life. 

  •  Name negative behavior patterns to tame them
  •  Learn conflict is growth trying to happen


  • Declarations of desires and ways of being: what vision, by when
  • Key distinctions of extraordinary lives: starting with Trust, Focus, Repair, Faith


  • Contemplative exercises of yoga & meditation to cultivate awareness, acceptance, and compassion
  • Creative exercises to spark joy and energy in your life

Clear Communication:

  • Look at your styles of verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Refresh skills around assertive, non-violent, and intentional dialogue

This program is for you if you’re ready to take their relational health to the next level.

We all live in a relational world and these tools will up-level the quality of your life and leave you resourced to live an extraordinary life.

Have you ever considered that how you do one thing is how you do everything?

This program will benefit all your relationships. You’re going to get the best of me. 
