What Matters Most Variety Hour: Focus

Focus, eliminate the trauma, the drama, the trouble of any kind and focus on love and keeping things REAL. This month, February 13th, the theme of our Variety Hour is focus. Join us for a power hour packed with fun.

Please invite a friend and join us for this free event. You matter. Your relationships matter. So let’s gather and FOCUS on what matters most.

Right now so many people are losing focus on what matters most. Let’s keep the focus on keeping it REAL. Let’s get more our relationships to be REAL: RESOURCED. ENGAGED. AWARE. LOVING.

Here’s a sneak peak of the special guests for this Saturday’s show:

  • We have Tara Galeano leading a meditation
  • We have my husband Marc offering up a tasty treat & recipe
  • We have a quick glimpse of how to shift focus away from perfection and toward your heart’s desire with Caroline Garnet McGraw.

check this 7 min video out: https://vimeo.com/507689002/8c8e98055a

Caroline Garnet McGraw is an author, speaker, and coach for recovering perfectionists. She’s the creator of A Wish Come Clear, a popular blog devoted to trading perfectionism for possibility, as well as several online interview series. She’s a two-time TEDx speaker, and her essays have been featured on The Huffington Post, Momastery, and Women For One. Caroline lives in Florence, Alabama with her family.

to find out more about Caroline’s new book, click here: https://awishcomeclear.com/amy-elizabeth

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