Does this path have a heart?

The last few weeks I’ve noticed that my heart feels heavy when I awaken in the morning. Breathing helps, but gravity wins. My mind begins the race and my body is too tuckered to make it to the track.

The masters say, “You are not your thoughts,” This makes sense. Yet my thoughts do create my reality so they are important to pay attention to. My heart is speaking to me. Reminding me to surrender to gravity. Inviting me to ground in gratitude. Encouraging me to feel the grief that surrounds me.

Inviting my daily and grounding mantra, I am a tender, powerful, generous woman, I feel a wee bit of the heaviness lifting. I ask my husband to place his hand on my heart, I feel a bit more release. I call on my spirit guides and angels and ancestors to lend me the energy to get moving, once again.

Remember, Dear Reader, asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. 

I’m on a path of heart. Listening, deeply, I ask for and willingly receive, support. We may never know Why? this happened. As I often remind my clients, let’s shift from asking “Why” as in, “Why did this happen”, which inevitably leads to another “why”, and shift to Wise. For a moment, let’s shift from the Whys and consider the Wise.

Wise mind guides us on the path of heart. 

Be living a path of heart. There is strength here.

Perhaps you have struggles that you would like to release. Maybe your path of heart is too wide, too circuitous and does not get you where you want to be. Or perhaps you feel constricted by the pinch of the overwhelm of life. Either way, you deserve support, inspiration, and accountability.

This quick tip for more power in your partnership is to follow the path of the heart. Ask yourself: Does this path have heart? Watch PIP Clip

Recognize the strength in asking for help. Remember the wisdom of the heart. Realize you are not alone.

Tune inward, unveil the mysteries within yourself, and ask yourself, what keeps me keeping on, why did I get out of bed today?

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