Labor of Love

Let’s face it, there’s no denying the level of heartache around the planet presently. Many of us long to live whole-hearted and yet we feel that when life gets lifey, exhaustion overwhelms us, and keeps us stuck in negativity & grief. 

Let’s take a moment and focus on what your tender heart can do. Sign up:

Labor of Love mini-retreat, Monday, September 7

Refill your cup, fuel your creative fire, and align with your own personal power points in this mini-retreat from the Hawaiʻi Island.

I promise you will come away feeling inspired, resourced and tender.

here’s my quick video invite:  

Quick Video Invite 

Let’s step in the command central of our nervous system with the support of some trusted guides, hand-picked friends of mine who are transformational coaches, all of us are ready to pour into you so your cup runneth over. 

This virtual love offering supports you in developing key practices to ground in the peaceful paradise wherever you are. This is important for us all to do right now, particularly if you’re feeling the trauma and the drama is too much and you want more aloha and compassion: this is the place for you.

Here’s a schedule so you can join us for what resonates:

  • 8am: Power of Sovereignty:   Amy Elizabeth will offer warm welcome, tune-up, breath-work and launch ignition of the 3 power centers in each of us to get the most out of this mini-retreat.
  • 9am: Power Center of the Mind:   Alexandra Deubner from Vienna, Austria leading us in a beautiful visualization and Moonshot Meditation to help you energetically align with what matters most to your head. 
  • 10am: Power Center of the Heart:   Tia Christiansen from New Hampton, Massachusetts guiding us in a cosmic smash booking exercise to help fuel your creative fire and energetically align with what matters most to your heart. 
  • 11am: Power Center of the Core:   Mark Van der Gaag from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania inspiring shift and making miracles happen to help you energetically align with what matters most to your soul.

This half-day mini-retreat is an opportunity to recharge your batteries.

Please take what you can use and leave the rest.

This is designed to uplight you, not drain you further. 

Sign on when/if you can and come and go as needed. 

This is a love offering and any payment, now or later, is welcome and appreciated. 

Love Offering

What to bring to my Zoom Room from the comfort of your own room:

  • coffee, tea, water
  • comfortable cushion/chair (there will be ample breaks)
  • journal, crayons, markers
  • favorite tree (sit by a window or have a photo)
  • favorite place in natural Great Beauty (a place you can access right now whether in your minds eye or actually through modern technology).

We are going to ground in the great Natural Great Beauty and play. 

Together, we rise. We divide our sorrows and we multiply our joys. We cannot do this gig called life alone.

We are going to spark joy, fuel our creative fire and fill our reservoirs in order to be resilient and compassionate change agents in the world.  

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