The little ditty came to me today. A reflection of the day…
Moments that matter
Linger longer in my mind.
Learning to savor the beauty
Blessings not hard to find.
Exhales of a humpback whale
Clouds gathering at sunrise
Dew drops in an iridescent spider web
Shimmers as a holographic dragonfly.
Moments are fleeting
Pausing. Breathing. Remembering.
Taking in the good
With a simple humble greeting,
Aloha whale
Aloha cloud
Aloha spider
Aloha joy
And the creative juices are flowing from Hawaii Island to you, near or far…
Three juicy invites:
1. Join me Saturday 12/12 at Tara Galeano’s book launch party

2. Join me Monday 12/14 at 11am Hawaii for our Last New Moon Zoom Room
Meeting ID: 808 936 3733
Passcode: Aloha
3. Join me Friday, December 18th sacred virtual space for our Solstice Gathering with a sharing of joys and sorrows. Rituals that nourish your heart.

Meeting ID: 808 936 3733
Passcode: Aloha
Holding you high in my heart. Savor the moments the matter. Now.