- it’s important to go fallow sometimes
to be in the pause
to rest and recalibrate to a new way of being
recent months of becoming crone
the elder in the household
one of the wise ones riding menopausal waves - do you know your ideal mothering traits?
mine include patience, nudging to take risks, silence-breaking
i’ve learned how to give myself these…
as a child there were powerful creative women drowning in alcohol
unable to set boundaries, to speak for what they needed
to follow their heart’s desire
running in the woods, swimming in the lake, dreaming with clouds
these pockets of joy in an atmosphere of divorce, drinking and chronic doing
cigarettes and cigars the playmates of my parents
they provided what they could, coated in layers of fear
i wanted to be able to make a mess, to be creative, to care less
but i was told to be tidy, to clean up after others, to be safe - i was afraid
i was locked up inside
dwelling in an overactive mind
excelling at academics
earning scholarships and praise all-the-while
drinking alcoholically & seeding depression
my maternal grandmother drank to death
her liver failed her due to scarring and cirrhosis
she died on mother’s day when i was 14
i found recovery from my own disease
of drinking alcoholically
nearly a decade later
it runs in the family roots, my, mom, too
danced dangerously with drink
sober or not, i know not which, she died alone - today i reflect
on the gifts of being
a sober creative woman of integrity
mothering two amazing children
loving a hubby who just lost his parents
bearing witness to the hardest year of his life
menopause brings me closer to truth
direct connect with the Divine
Mother Earth guides me and is nudging me
5. i’m writing more
i’m pausing more, painting more, paddling more
i’m offering more time in serving my clients
revive and reveal
our true nature
live an extraordinary life
no matter your past, trauma can thaw
love yourself as your own nurturing creative mother
and enjoy relational health with Self, Other, Spirit
sending you virtual hugs and creative blessings

Amy Elizabeth (a good enough mother)
Amy Elizabeth Gordon, M.A.
Survivor & Thriver & Giver & Receiver
call/email for a nudge for greater relational health
passionately guiding couples and families
Serving Hawai’i Island and beyond
in-person or on-line
2-6 day retreats available now
5 openings through July
Mahalo for sharing your beautiful writing – I am moved!!