Extraordinary Masterclass starting soon

If you are longing to recharge and refresh your relationships, each and every one of them, I’m here to guide you. I wholeheartedly believe you can experience relational health when you are ready to commit to the journey of Moonshot Magic and write a new ending to this chapter of your life.

Here you will find opportunity for an attitude adjustment, greater accountability, as well as endless inspiration. Feel the shift away from longing and lack toward a tender-hearted and powerful mindset.Is now your time?

If so, please join the Moonshot Magic Movement which includes the live & interactive monthly Relational Health Masterclass Series. I’m willing and able to take a stand for you are your relations. Are you?

Here’s a quick 3 min video invite to the: Moonshot Magic Movement https://vimeo.com/500220253 

This membership is a way to do your future self a favor. It’s a way to uplift your family. It’s a fantastic return on investment. Reserve your spot now to stay committed and take an unwavering stand for yourself and the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible. 

Here’s some helpful definitions to keep in mind:·       
Moonshot: We put our thinking minds to work and create the life we desire. We can commitment to something extraordinary by declaring what we will do and when we will do. Think effort.·       
Magic: When we are constantly striving, we create a life of strife. We must surrender to win and invite magic. Ask for support from something greater than yourself; inviting ease, flow and grace. Feel ease.  ·       
Movement: When we want change, it is important to connect with others on a similar path of transformation. Enjoy the benefits of an alchemical mix and energetic exchange of excellence. Know belonging. 

Monthly membership is the best way to get the my offerings at an affordable rate. Recordings of the monthly masterclass are available if you can’t make the noon Pacific time on the 3rd Friday of every month.Membership also includes Q & A office hours with Amy E, and special rates to online and in person retreats and much more…

regular membership dues of $40 per month:

sponsorship option of $60/month:  

scholarship option of $20 per month:  

BEST BONUS EVER: Sign-up by Friday and get a bonus laser love coaching call with me. Here we will heart-storm and create your personal plan of action.

This is spiritual work, but the spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it. It requires both work (Moonshot) and faith (Magic). It’s the both/and. Together, we rise to a new vibration of living, beyond petty frustrations and sleepless nights. We go beyond surviving and we enjoy thriving.

I’m honored to support you on this journey of the heart. 

With warm Aloha, Amy E 

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