On the State of Open Doors


<this post is a featured guest blog from my beloved friend, Deva, who is traveling from Georgia to Lebanon>


Open. It’s a very physically descriptive word that has a whole lot of metaphysically descriptive meaning. The physicality of, say, a simple open door is what we’re greeted with on this plane. But when we dive deeper into all that open door can stand for and allow for, well, there’s an infinite realm of possibilities to explore.


And I do want to elaborate on that open door in this moment. As human creatures we can more easily discuss things that are tethered to this tactile world. Openness as a state of being may be less relatable in moving through. Secondly, I want to discuss that door as our very own door, again, not to make it otherworldly and distant. It is our door right here in this moment. Thirdly, we can’t speak of closed doors without reflecting on states of distrust and when we speak of open doors we are also speaking into trust.


In first considering the open door in relation to ourselves, consider the world and the inflow of the world into our open door, into our lives. There is verdant growth and tragic wars and endless waves crashing, and these things carry on outside our doors, so to open our door can lead to welcomed beauty just as easily as it can to unwanted misery. Do we trust to open our door to all of this? Sometimes it’s not even about trust, the door just slams open and in comes a surprising windfall or an unwanted atrocity, or both packaged as one.


How do we get to the place of trust where we’re ready to let the world in through our open door? Well, that’s enough for another essay. But, yes, trust in self, other and source, as dear Amy always says, is a great place to start.

As I write, I am in Lebanon and here, and all across the Arab-speaking world, you greet people coming into your home with ‘marhaban bikoum.’ ‘Marhaban’ is the ‘welcome’ part of the greeting and ‘bikoum’ is essentially ‘you’ in plural form. This plural you is used no matter whether you are welcoming one person or many.

When I first studied classical Arabic in Fez, Morocco, my teacher told us that the plural you is always used. This is because culturally they recognize that everyone on this planet is walking around with two angels. Your good graceful angel on one shoulder and your dark little sinning angel on the other shoulder. No matter which one happens to be speaking into the ear of your guest, you welcome ALL into your home. When you can say ‘marhaban bikoum’ to any guest, you’ve built the just right amount of trust and courage to go through your open door and out into the world.

But if the world is too much, stay a while longer inside. Be tender. Be patient. Brew or stew. Do what needs to be done or undone until the world is not enough. Then the hunger and confidence and trust are all overflowing to the point you’re ready to burst. Then go be out in the world.


I like how if you let your eyes go soft and blur across the word ‘OPENNESS’ it almost reads as ‘ONENESS.’


That’s the second part of what our open door allows for; it doesn’t just let the world in, it also releases us into the world. We can show ourselves – any version – and grow tall as the eucalyptus in the sunshine. Or slither under a dark casino table. Going out through that open door often requires a full belly, a loudly thumping heart and fists full of courage. But it can also be as simple as sleepwalking, youthfully tumbling out with your lover’s palm in yours. Or a daring leap over that threshold. You certainly don’t want to be dragged out that open door. It can happen but if we’re not ready, it’s too raw and intrusive. We’ll go right back in, likely slamming the door closed behind us until trust can grow back again, if ever.


As with all things, the open door offers us a metaphor. It is both two converging and two opposing forces we are constantly dancing with. You can choose to see all negativity with going out into the world, and also see all negativity with eternally staying inside your dear door. Every moment we find ourselves with one foot in or one foot out, and then pivoting endlessly. And, in the end, it’s likely that there’s door after door, after door, eternally, not just the one. Realms and multiverses of them, enough for a Harry Potter-Inception hybrid brain explosion. Phew!

But navigating the eternal state of openness, whether easy or hard, with whatever angel on your shoulder is loudest, is best done, in my opinion, with trust in one hand and courage in the other.

Marhaban bikoum!

~ M. Deva Jebb-Albaba
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2021
Tripoli, Lebanon

Here are some more ways to connect with this beautiful soul, Deva:

Here’s her LinkedIn profile linkedin.com/in/m-deva-jebb-albaba

Join us each Wednesday on Instagram Live for our weekly Pause. Breathe. Reset. https://www.instagram.com/amyelizabeth.gordon/

PBR is a 10 minute breath practice. Here’s one from the past. https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/461123829

To see my most recent recorded discussion with Deva, check this out: https://vimeo.com/536994662

Dive Deeper into Deep Listening

You can tell this beautiful creature is deeply listening. It is hard-wired for survival. To hunt food. To avoid danger. To survive.

When are, collectively, caught in a wave of survival presently. It takes a bit of focus and energy to remember to mask, to stay put at home, to care for loved ones without falling into overwhelm or despair.

We need our energy to survive, and dare I suggest, to thrive, even in these unimaginable times. So listen up, I’m here to help you have that energy needed to thrive. First things first, I give you permission to quit trying to fix anybody. Seriously. It is not your job. 

I give you permission to quit trying to do it all perfectly. It is impossible.

I give you permission to quit trying to focus when you are tired and not feeling 100%.

Every single person I talked to in the last week is experiencing some new level of overwhelm, tiredness or boredom.

And I talked with a lot of people.

Folks in certain parts of the world are cold…let us send warmth (I had a moment in the sun and sea and it warmed my soul to overflowing).

Folks are tired…let us send a good nightʻs sleep (I had one last night and today is markedly better than yesterday).

Folks are tired of the Groundhog-Day every day is the same scenario…let us send adventure and mystery in the power of our imagination to create a new reality.

So here is the ONE THING I’m nudging you to do today. Deeply listen. Listen to your own tender, beating heart. Listen to your pet purr with appreciation. Listen to your beloved share his or her experience in the moment. Don’t fix. Listen. Don’t exert. Be. Don’t succumb to the temptation to numb out. Be present with what is. 

You can handle it. Trust yourself to no longer abandon yourself. Focus on your own hula hoop. Stay in your own lane. And know, that by deeply listening, you are uplifting the world. 

Monthly Masterclass Series

I’m inviting you to join me on my Monthly Masterclass Series on the 3rd Friday of the month. Tomorrow, Feb. 19 at noon Pacific Time. https://www.timeanddate.com/ link posted for your convenience.

Canʻt make it at that time, no problem. Recording available afterward. Pay what you can: $20-$60/monthly. feel free to cancel your membership at any time. come once or stay as a member of the Moonshot Magic Movement

Sign up now, I will send you the Zoom link just before the Masterclass goes live, and I look forward to seeing you soon. 

$20 scholarship option

$40 core member option 

$60 sponsorship option 

You Matter. Your relationships matter.

Love Letter to Your True Self


I invite you right now, to write a love letter to your true self. Even if you happened to do this writing exercise last month, do it again. Let it be fresh.

Simply pause, whatever you’re doing, and drop out of your busy, busy, busy mind. In this busy mind palace you can surrender. No longer trying to rearrange all the furniture, you can quit trying to manage all its contents. Drop the remodel.

Sit down, instead, and pull out a notebook. Pick up a pen and write.

Dear Beloved,

Grateful to come home to myself again, and again, with tenderness and compassion, I touch and caress this skin on my arms, I say thank you to my arms for hugging all those you have hugged and being willing to embrace the embrace.

Tickling my armpits, I smile at the hair that grows here during these pandemic times. Thank you for wicking away the toxins. Thank you for turning me away from the public standard of beauty and tuning into my true self.

Smoothing the wrinkles on my forehead, I appreciate the laugh lines around my eyes. And on my cheeks. I remember all the good times that have transpired. And I look forward to tomorrow.

Patting my soft belly, my tender emotional brain, I greet the real, raw, and vulnerable me who has been craving oatmeal cookies for days.

As I succumb to the crumb, I allow the sweetness of my son’s girlfriend kind gesture to fill me, here, in this vulnerable tender belly. This sacred space that is void of guilt and shame and simply delights in the delicious sweetness of her spontaneous plate of cookies.

Arriving at my doorstep, I receive the sweetness I’ve craved.

I smile into my eyes as I look in the mirror and send healing vibes to this sty in my right eye.

I apply a tender moist heat. This compress of understanding of all the horror that I have seen, and all the beauty that I have soaked in through these rods and cones. A direct circuit to my brain. And I pray for more sunrises and sunsets, smiles and sorrows.

Thank you, eyes, for giving me the experience of a more beautiful way of being in my body.

Extraordinary Masterclass starting soon

If you are longing to recharge and refresh your relationships, each and every one of them, I’m here to guide you. I wholeheartedly believe you can experience relational health when you are ready to commit to the journey of Moonshot Magic and write a new ending to this chapter of your life.

Here you will find opportunity for an attitude adjustment, greater accountability, as well as endless inspiration. Feel the shift away from longing and lack toward a tender-hearted and powerful mindset.Is now your time?

If so, please join the Moonshot Magic Movement which includes the live & interactive monthly Relational Health Masterclass Series. I’m willing and able to take a stand for you are your relations. Are you?

Here’s a quick 3 min video invite to the: Moonshot Magic Movement https://vimeo.com/500220253 

This membership is a way to do your future self a favor. It’s a way to uplift your family. It’s a fantastic return on investment. Reserve your spot now to stay committed and take an unwavering stand for yourself and the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible. 

Here’s some helpful definitions to keep in mind:·       
Moonshot: We put our thinking minds to work and create the life we desire. We can commitment to something extraordinary by declaring what we will do and when we will do. Think effort.·       
Magic: When we are constantly striving, we create a life of strife. We must surrender to win and invite magic. Ask for support from something greater than yourself; inviting ease, flow and grace. Feel ease.  ·       
Movement: When we want change, it is important to connect with others on a similar path of transformation. Enjoy the benefits of an alchemical mix and energetic exchange of excellence. Know belonging. 

Monthly membership is the best way to get the my offerings at an affordable rate. Recordings of the monthly masterclass are available if you can’t make the noon Pacific time on the 3rd Friday of every month.Membership also includes Q & A office hours with Amy E, and special rates to online and in person retreats and much more…

regular membership dues of $40 per month:

sponsorship option of $60/month:  

scholarship option of $20 per month:  

BEST BONUS EVER: Sign-up by Friday and get a bonus laser love coaching call with me. Here we will heart-storm and create your personal plan of action.

This is spiritual work, but the spiritual life is not a theory, we have to live it. It requires both work (Moonshot) and faith (Magic). It’s the both/and. Together, we rise to a new vibration of living, beyond petty frustrations and sleepless nights. We go beyond surviving and we enjoy thriving.

I’m honored to support you on this journey of the heart. 

With warm Aloha, Amy E 

trust yourself first


Trust yourself to no longer abandon yourself. This is foundational. This really is an invitation to an extraordinary life.

So what exactly gets in the way of this extraordinary life? Pests. Erosion. Termites erode the foundation. Termites like mistrust, fear, and reactivity eat away at trust and erode the integrity of the foundation of our relationships.

For example, mistrust happens when social contracts are broken and neglected. You must heal your agreements with others, and start by trusting yourself first.

Lack of safety habitually haunts those of us familiar with traumatic events, thereby leading to exaggerated startle responses and over-reactive nervous systems create an uptight experience of the chapters of life.

3 things we can do

  1. We can learn to calm ourselves down in stressful situations.

2. We can, indeed, break the spells that bind us.

3. And we can rewrite the ending to this chapter of our lives.

pause. breathe. reset.

As I’m sitting here, I’m experiencing gratitude for my practice of Pause. Breathe. Reset. I’m so relieved to relax more fully into my tender heart. Even though it can seem scary as hell to not defend against the pain and suffering of the world.

And I’m so excited to share with you what I’ve learned on this extraordinary journey of resilience, compassion and service. I’m poised to share insights from my own addiction recovery, relational healing and contemplative practice.

Here are some touchstones of what we can do to trust more fully:

touchstones to trust

Be the prayer

Allow and commit to deep listening

Find your identity inside yourself

Be very honest, open, and straight with yourself

Learn compassionate self-control

Learn to contain your own energy

Cultivate inner contentment

If there is a choice, choose the positive

Identify your destiny and serve

Cultivate character, commitment, and grace

Balance yourself, so you don’t need to be compensated from the outside

Give up manipulation and control

When you want something , get clear, ask, be calm, and let it come

Develop a meditative mind to wait and see what comes to you

Receive what comes

Let go of what goes

Don’t chase after anything

Cultivate a tender heart of forgiveness

Develop a relationship with a working God that dwells and breathes within you

(thanks to Yogi Bhajan for inspiring these ideas)

here’s what’s next

Get support with a Daily Tracker to trust yourself to develop C.O.R.E. Compassion & Sign up for the email list if you haven’t already here


Tune in to the monthly variety show: what matters most in relational health on the 2nd Saturday of the month at noon Pacific Time. Check out the emails for the most current Zoom link.

Join me in my Relational Health Masterclass Series starting next week. watch email for details and further inspiration.

let me know what landed for you…and why…email me at [email protected]